5 Super Snacks to Get you Through your Workday

We all know that point in the morning or afternoon in work, 11 am when you're so far from breakfast and lunch is looming but you're hungry. The same slump tends to hit around 3 or 4 pm in the afternoon. The end of work is in sight but you mightn't make it without a snack. It's times like this we tend to reach for an unhealthy snack, the bar of chocolate to go with your cup of coffee, or a pastry that just happens to be in the office kitchen. Well, we've compiled 5 super snacks to get you through your workday, and the best part they are still healthy.

Fruit is a great snack and a great source of vitamin C and fibre, they also help with hydration as we take in lots of dietary water through food. Match the fruit with some nuts or cheese to give you that protein hit as well.
Nuts and seeds provide the body with iron, zinc, and protein so the perfect go to snack. Be careful with portion sizes as they are high in fat, healthy fats. A handful is a good measurement to go by. Match with some dried fruit for the snack that will get you to home time.
A classic healthy snack is vegetables and our favourite form, vegetable sticks. Carrot sticks or celery sticks are the best for staving off hunger when matched with hummus. Plus it helps that they are one of your five a day.

Not for everyone out there in terms of the perfect snack fish can be an excellent way to fill that void. It's packed with protein, vitamin D, and B. The perfect protein boost throughout the day or before training. Try tinned tuna, lots of brands are doing fun flavours.
Next up is protein bars, super handy for when you're hungry at work around 4 pm, especially if you're planning on training before your dinner. Beware of high sugar content protein bars, always read the labels on these things, the fewer ingredients - seeds, nuts, protein. Or better yet, make your own!
So next time you reach for the chocolate bar in work consult our list of 5 super snacks to get you through your workday. Or let us know your fave snacks by emailing us on girloutdoormag@gmail.com. Here's about piece on top foods for energy to check out.