Healthy Steps for Getting Active this Year

New Year, New You. Sick of seeing and hearing this mantra? Us too. How about keeping it simple this new year and make some simple healthy changes.
Start small, as there’s no point in overwhelming yourself or deciding to hit the gym seven days a week and then trailing off. It’s no good for your motivation, whereas small changes mean you’re more likely to stick to those goals. Whether you want to lose weight, sleep better or increase your energy levels getting active is step one.
Start with 5-10 minute walk and work up to 30 minutes and beyond. This could mean getting off the bus one stop early and walking the remainder to work, a stroll at lunchtime or meeting a pal for a walk in the evenings. Change your routes, and pace to keep the workout fresh. Try a hilly route, try walking further and brisker depending on your mood. In no time you’ll be upping your walking time.

Joining a class or club can be a great way to get active, especially if you join with a friend. Pick an activity you enjoy, plus having someone by your side, encouraging you can be the motivation you need to go and keep going. Then you can be the motivator a different week if their motivation in waining. It’s a harmonious active relationship.
Get a dog. This is our favourite reason or tip for getting active. Having the responsibility of a dog means you have to be out and active, walking the dog each and every day, sometimes up to three times depending on the breed. There are so many rescue dogs looking for good and loving homes. Could be a match made in heaven. Just remember a dog is a commitment.

This one is obvious, and you’ve probably heard it before but it’s definitely valid. Take the stairs instead of the lift or escalator. Not only is it good for you, it helps you burn more calories than jogging, but it also cuts carbon emissions. It’s a simple measure you can adopt to getting more active.
Another great way to get active and stay active is to enter or sign up for a race or fun run, or perhaps a charity walk. It doesn’t have to be a marathon, but just a goal for you to accomplish. You’ll feel amazing when you cross that finish line.
It's all about setting realistic, achievable goals. So take those healthy steps to getting active this year.