Patagonia Dublin Reopen for Business

Patagonia Dublin Re-fit by Tara O’Reilly
Great news for Patagonia fans, the Dublin store is reopen after a re-fit and there are lots of fun events planned to celebrate on Exchequer Street, Dublin 2.
28 years ago Patagonia Dublin opened its doors and as their business has grown so has the neighbourhood and community around them so a new look was in order!
According to the Patagonia team, "we now find ourselves on one of the busiest streets in town with a wide base of both new and long-time loyal customers. In our latest renovation of the store we have updated the space and have spread on the Patagonia special sauce in transitioning the store from an Outlet to a full price Inline store."
They have just wrapped up a full weekend of reopening events, but keep an eye out for more upcoming events in store.
6th March:
“BURNED” movie screening with An Taisce Climate Committee.
13th March:
Student march prep with Climate Case Ireland.
20th March:
“Blood Moon” screening with Robbie Phillips.
27th March:
“Mad Miles” with David Horkan.
Take a look at the newly renovated store, and pop in to say hi to the guys in store.

Patagonia Dublin Re-fit by Tara O’Reilly

Patagonia Dublin Re-fit by Tara O’Reilly

Patagonia Dublin Re-fit by Tara O’Reilly