
Empowering women adventurers – Girl Outdoor Magazine is a collective of Irish wanderers, photographers, videographers and writers with one thing in common, a love of the great outdoors. We are adventurers, sharing our knowledge and passion with those who love an active-lifestyle.

Whether it’s surf, snowboarding, hiking, running, yoga, health, and fitness Girl Outdoor Magazine is the ultimate resource. We like to consider ourselves an authority on the movers and shakers making an impact on our adventuring world. Expect awe-inspiring photography, insightful interviews, and travel features from Ireland to New Zealand and back again.


At Girl Outdoor Magazine we accept freelance submissions, so you can get involved. Plus, simply use #girloutdoor to be featured on our Instagram.

Girl Outdoor Collective

Here at Girl Outdoor Magazine, we're serious about ensuring our outdoor spaces are kept litter free. Our hope is to ensure that the trails we walk, the oceans we swim in and the roads we cycle are free from pollution and that we take the steps required to reduce our waste. Stay tuned for nearby 'Cleanups' around Ireland coming soon.


For information about collaborations and advertising with the gang at Girl Outdoor Magazine get in touch - girloutdoormag@gmail.com