Triathlon Ireland set to Host Women in Triathlon Network Event, Dublin

Quino Al
An interesting one for those interested in triathlons.
Triathlon Ireland is hosting its second Women in Triathlon Network Event. The event is set to take place on November 18th at lunch time in the Gibson Hotel in Dublin.

Daniel Llorente
It was announced on the Triathlon Ireland website:
"This is a chance for all everyone involved in triathlon to discuss how we can take our sport forward towards greater female participation. It's also a great chance to meet with other clubs and other women in our sport. The event will have a specific focus on club development and how we can work together to develop the sport both in clubs and also through wider participation opportunities. As part of the event we want to highlight some of the work our clubs are doing - with this in mind, Belpark Tri Club will be talking about their women's programme and how it has developed. We also have two guest speakers to talk about their triathlon journey and work within our sport."
The two speakers on the day are Joanne Murphy and Aileen Flynn. Joanne is the voice of Tri Talking Sport and specialises in MCing triathlon, running and cycling events. The second speaker, Aileen Flynn, is one of Ireland's top long distance triathletes, competing in not one, but two Ironman World Championships.
If you have an interest in the triathlon landscape in Ireland and more importantly women in the sport this networking event is a must. The event starts at 12pm and runs until 2pm.
To sign up to attend the event just follow the link.